Elves are rather
ninjalike, relying greatly on speed. Their battle techniques largely imploy the hit-and-run tactic, especially when
on their home turf in the forest. For this, they will ride to their enemies on horseback, dismounting just out of earshot,
then using their eagleeye vision to snipe out an enemy; usually there will be two volleys on opposite sides, all shot at the
exact same moment. In this way they force their foe to: a. split their forces and therefore weaken them as they persue
the two squadrons, b. go after one, letting the other escape and probably lose their trail any way, or c. take it in stride
and move on. If they do fight close range, however, they will usually use a slim, long-bladed spear from horseback or
two thin swords of medium length on foot. Elves are the swiftest of any creatures, allowing them to dispatch an enemy
before they even know there might be someone nearby. Although they have great potential to be assasins, they are creatures
of the light and abhor fighting anything but creatures of darkness, such as Wefocks. Elves live in and around tall,
thick trees and have no shortage of strange and confusing customs. A magic protects these people, woven by themselves,
that prevents unwanted visitors from finding them, even if these visitors are given directions down to the very size of the
tree they pass. Elves are strong in magic, which gives them their improved sight, speed, and semi-immortal lives (they
can live a good six or seven thousand years).
The humans
of Gybun relate to the times around the midieval era, maybe a little early Renaissance. The technology is midieval and
European (largely English) and includes all straight-edged swords, from daggers to 2hs. The mages are based off Japanese
culture (which is my favorite) and most mages, when carrying a sword, have a katana. This is just about all there is
to say about humans; very simple, nothing especially fancy.
Dwarves are suspicious of elves, probably because of the immense difference in
culture and race. While dwarves live deep underground and are short and heavy, elves live high in the trees and are
tall and light. Dwarves are renouned smiths, and can forge just about any type of weapon in any style in a short amount
of time. They live south of the peninsula on which Rock'avive is located, on the southern part of the continent.
Multiple passageways, traps, and dead ends frustrate those attempting to enter their cities uninvited; there are rumors that
without a dwarven guide, the entrence to the city and the end of the labyrinths dissapears completely and is impossible to
be found. However, dwarves aren't exactly adept in real magic, as their skills in it are about equal to those of a goblin,
outside weaponry. Even at that, the only magic they can use for weapons are rune inscriptions, which can give whatever
it is elemental or other powers. They are also the only ones who know how to smith mithril, adamant (a green metal found
deep mines), and runite (found - you guessed it - even deeper in the mines). Runite is a kind of dark turquoise/blue
color and is unbelievably hard to smith. However, if done correctly, it can possess legendary keenness; Zygob uses it
in smithing a mage's katana for Libyado and is sharp enough that, as you will read later in the story, is so sharp he drops
a hair on it and it falls in two. Now that is a decent blade. Anyway, back to the dwarves, they usually
wield axes, the king a runite one. They usually wear chain mail under plate mail, a medium helmet, and gauntlets.
Due to their gruff behavior, their society isn't very complicated; show respect to those in authority in speach and don't
act up in their presence. They are loyal and stout, although rather slow becouse of their short legs and heavy build.