First off, the Wefocks. They're intelligent enough to speak Basic, but not enough to make advances in any kind
of weaponry or building techniques. Their houses consist of stone hewn into various shapes with the end result looking
similar to an igloo. The walls around major cities are niether tall or particularily strong, but they will still hold
against anything less powerful than a battering ram. The gates are simply large wooden doors that are barred when under
attack. They cannot farm well at all, so they rely on their immense strength in hunting and foraging. Like other
non-humans, apart from elves, they cannot use magic to the slightest degree. They themselves are pitch-black with rough,
uneven skin. Very few are shorter than six feet tall when they hit ten. Most adult males are about seven to eight
feet tall, and the females are only slightly shorter. The males also have short, sharp horns growing from their temples
that they don't develope until around thirty or so. Wefocks usually burn out an area that they plan to live in, but
not sos much so that the trees are totally destroyed; rather, they try to have them survive, only black and charred.
They also smoke the stones used in their buildings. All this is to help camoflouge them for battle and hunting.
To the east of the dry land owned by the Wefocks lies the monster territory, home of goblins, giants, trolls, cyclopses,
and other various creatures. Although very different from each other, they get along well enough. They are opposed
to the Wefocks, who are, on the average, stronger than them, and hence have a common trait. Although for the most part
they live in individual villages belonging to one race or another, some do blend and prosper, using the goblin's craftsmanship,
the troll's strength, the giant's height, and the harpy's speed to create necessary buildings and weapons. These monsters
are very organized, almost to the point of being civilized, but again the Wefocks counter this in number as well as strength.
Rok'avive has already come to terms with the creatures, but they will still attack the odd traveler wandering through their
area. As the Wefock attacks increase on the civilized world, the monsters observe the thinning numbers with interest,
waiting for a major battle to be lost and their opportunity to strike at hand. However, the Wefocks have become smarter,
stronger, and more organized lately, ever since that strange old man came south...